
氏名 小島 健太郎(こじま けんたろう)
学位・資格 獣医師、第1種放射線取扱主任者
担当 麻酔科、総合内科
経歴 1998年 東京大学卒業
2000年 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科農学部獣医学専攻中途退学
同年  東京大学家畜病院(現動物医療センター)研修修了
2001年 小島獣医院勤務
2004年 あすなろ動物病院非常勤獣医師
2013年 小島獣医院院長
業績 1. Itoh, T., Kojimoto, A., Kojima, K., Mikawa, K., Shii, H.: Surgical creation of multiple drainage holes versus local injection of corticosteroids for treatment of aural hematomas in dogs: 51 dogs with 71 aural hematomas (2000-2017). J Am Vet Med Assoc. 260: S15-S23, 2021.

2. Itoh, T., Kojimoto, A., Kojima, K., Shii, H.: Retrospective Study on Clinical Features and Treatment Outcomes of Nontraumatic Inguinal Hernias in 41 Dogs. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. 56: 301, 2020.

3. Nagata, N., Kojima, K., Yuki, M.: Comparison of Survival Times for Dogs with Pituitary-Dependent Hyperadrenocorticism in a Primary-Care Hospital: Treated with Trilostane versus Untreated. J Vet Intern Med. 31: 22-28, 2017.

4. Kojima, K., Nishimura, R., Mutoh, T., Hong, SH., Mochizuki, M., Sasaki, N.: Effects of medetomidine-midazolam, acepromazine-butorphanol, and midazolam-butorphanol on induction dose of thiopental and propofol and on cardiopulmonary changes in dogs. Am J Vet Res. 63: 1671-1679, 2002.

5. Mutoh, T., Kojima, K., Takao, K., Nishimura, R., Sasaki, N.: Comparison of sevoflurane with isoflurane for rapid mask induction in midazolam and butorphanol-sedated dogs. J Vet Med A Physiol Pathol Clin Med. 48: 223-230, 2001.

6. Mutoh, T., Kanamaru, A., Kojima, K., Nishimura, R., Sasaki, N., Tsubone, H.: Effects of perineural capsaicin treatment on cardiopulmonary reflexes elicited by laryngeal instillations of capsaicin and distilled water in sevoflurane-anesthetized dogs. J Vet Med Sci. 62: 665-668, 2000.

7. Mutoh, T., Kanamaru, A., Kojima, K., Nishimura, R., Sasaki, N., Tsubone, H.: Effects of perineural capsaicin treatment on compound action potentials of superior laryngeal nerve afferents in sevoflurane-anesthetized dogs.
J Vet Med Sci. 62: 117-120, 2000.

8. Mutoh, T., Kanamaru, A., Kojima, K., Nishimura, R., Sasaki, N., Tsubone, H.: Effects of volatile anesthetics on the activity of laryngeal 'drive' receptors in anesthetized dogs. J Vet Med Sci. 61: 1033-1038, 1999.

9. Kojima, K., Nishimura, R., Mutoh, T., Takao, K., Matsunaga, S., Mochizuki, M., Sasaki, N.: Comparison of cardiopulmonary effects of medetomidine-midazolam, acepromazine-butorphanol and midazolam-butorphanol in dogs. Zentralbl Veterinarmed. 46: 353-359, 1999 .

10. Kojima, K., Nishimura, R., Mutoh, T., Takao, K., Matsunaga, S., Mochizuki, M., Sasaki, N.: Comparison of sedative effects of medetomidine-midazolam, acepromazine-butorphanol and midazolam-butorphanol in dogs. Zentralbl Veterinarmed A. 46: 141-148, 1999.

11. Kanamaru, A., Mutoh, T., Kojima, K., Nishimura, R., Sasaki, N., Kuwahara, M., Tsubone, H.: The posterior nasal nerve plays an important role on cardiopulmonary reflexes to nasal application of capsaicin, distilled water and l-menthol in anesthetized dogs. J Vet Med Sci. 61: 85-88, 1999.